Explain Why Teens Smoke Cigarettes
Smoking can’t be denied in this
era. Old, young, men, women, and almost all of them are smoke. The person found
with smoking can calm their mind, make you relax, reduce anxiety and others. A
lot of cigarette advertising that states that banned, smoking can cause respiratory
disorders, infertility, cancer, and stroke. But it does not make the smokers to
stop smoking deterrent, a sense of calm and addictive cigarettes are given by one
of the factors it hard to stop smoking. More than 80,000 young people around the world
start smoking every day. Most people start smoking when they are teenagers,
which make it more difficult to quit. The earlier the habit begins, the harder
it is it to stop, although many teenagers make multiple attempts to stop
smoking. There are three main reasons why teens start smoking which is boredom,
lose the weight and as a response to the stress of school and family life. Just
like the teens like to act as if they are someone special or dangerous. By
smoking they can act on those feelings. Because it is so forbidden it becomes
more alluring to teens. The problem is that when they take that first, they can
become addicted. The idea that they are breaking the law or going against their
parents and schools is an addiction within itself. Kids like to get attention;
it does not matter if it’s good attention or bad attention. They crave
attention and by smoking they get big attention. The other teens look at them
in all kinds of ways and the adults get upset and don’t know what to do. As the
research, some teenagers, especially girls, smoke in an effort to lose extra pound.
Quit states that the nicotine in cigarettes can suppress a teenager's appetite,
satisfy her cravings and keep her busy so that she does not think about food.
In a culture that obsesses over how someone looks, smoking may allow teens to
achieve the appearance needed to gain social acceptance. “Some teens begin
smoking because their friends smoke and they want to be liked and accepted,”
according to the CBC News. Many adults who began smoking as teenagers
acknowledge that their friends gave them their first cigarette and that they
began smoking because it was acceptable behavior. Many teenagers fear
rejection, so to avoid embarrassment that they may smoke as a way to appear
tough and be rebellious. They think that by smoking they
can be accepted in society or a group. The biggest problem is they are forbidden
by their parents to smoke but by lying to parent outside the house to follow other
friends who smoke. Not infrequently they put their spending money to buy cigarettes,
they usually smoke outside the home, and do not smoke while inside the house because
they know their parents will be angry. Smoking at a young age may favor but all
the toxins, and the contagion will occur at a time when parents feel. Smoking reduces
the period of our lives.